Evil Eye Protection Spells

Evil Eye Protection Spells

The evil eye is a harmful glare believed to cause bad luck, misfortune, or physical harm. Protecting yourself from the evil eye is a practice seen in many cultures. These protection spells and rituals can help shield you from the effects of negative energy or jealousy directed your way.

1. The Blue Eye Charm Protection Spell

The blue eye or “nazar” is a well-known talisman for warding off the evil eye. This spell incorporates that symbol for added protection.

What You’ll Need:

  • A blue evil eye charm (or image)
  • White candle (for purity and protection)
  • Salt (for purification)
  • A piece of blue thread


  1. Prepare Your Space:
    Cleanse your space by sprinkling salt around the area and lighting the white candle. Take a moment to focus on your intention to protect yourself from the evil eye.
  2. Bless the Charm:
    Hold the blue eye charm in your hands and say:
    “By the power of this charm, I am shielded from the evil eye. No harm shall come to me, and negativity shall bounce back to its source.”
  3. Tie the Thread:
    Take the blue thread and tie it around the charm, imagining a protective aura surrounding you. Say:
    “This thread binds protection to me, creating a shield no harm can pass through.”
  4. Wear or Place the Charm:
    You can wear the blue eye charm as a necklace, bracelet, or carry it with you in your pocket. If it’s for your home, hang it near the entrance. The charm will help absorb negative energy and protect you from the evil eye.

2. Mirror Protection Spell

Mirrors are often used to reflect and repel harmful energies. This spell uses the reflective power of a mirror to send the evil eye’s negativity back to its sender.

What You’ll Need:

  • A small hand mirror (for reflection)
  • Black candle (for banishing negativity)
  • A piece of black cloth (for protection)


  1. Cleanse the Mirror:
    Clean the mirror and bless it by holding it under running water or using a smudging herb like sage to purify it.
  2. Set Your Intention:
    Sit in a quiet space with the black candle lit. Focus on your intention of protection, and hold the mirror facing outward. Say:
    “With this mirror, I reflect all harm and negativity back to its source. The evil eye shall not touch me; instead, it returns to where it came.”
  3. Place the Mirror:
    Once you’ve finished the ritual, cover the mirror with the black cloth and place it near the entrance of your home. It will serve as a protective shield, repelling negative energy.
  4. Dispose of the Candle Wax:
    Safely dispose of any remaining candle wax or remnants outside of your home to further cleanse the space.

3. Egg Cleansing Protection Ritual

In many cultures, an egg is used to absorb negative energy and the effects of the evil eye. This simple ritual can cleanse you of any harmful influences.

What You’ll Need:

  • A fresh egg
  • A glass of water
  • Salt (for purification)


  1. Cleanse the Egg:
    Begin by holding the egg and stating your intention to cleanse and protect yourself from the evil eye. You can say:
    “With this egg, I remove all harmful energy and protect myself from the evil eye.”
  2. Rub the Egg Over Your Body:
    Slowly pass the egg over your body, starting from your head and working your way down to your feet. Visualize the egg absorbing any negativity or malice aimed at you.
  3. Crack the Egg:
    After you’ve finished, crack the egg into the glass of water. Examine the yolk; if the water becomes murky or the yolk appears strange, this may indicate that negative energy has been absorbed.
  4. Dispose of the Egg and Water:
    Dispose of the egg and water far from your home, ensuring the negative energy is released and can no longer affect you.

4. Salt Circle Protection Spell

Salt has long been used in spiritual practices for purification and protection. This spell creates a protective barrier around you or your home to block the evil eye.

What You’ll Need:

  • Sea salt or table salt
  • A white candle (for purification)


  1. Create a Circle of Protection:
    Take the salt and sprinkle it in a circle around yourself or around your home, visualizing it creating an impenetrable barrier of protection. As you sprinkle the salt, say:
    “I cast this circle of salt to protect and guard against the evil eye. No harm shall cross this line.”
  2. Light the Candle:
    Light the white candle and place it in the center of the circle (if protecting yourself) or at the entrance of your home (if protecting your space). Say:
    “With this flame, I cleanse and purify. All negativity is burned away, and the evil eye is banished.”
  3. Maintain the Circle:
    Leave the salt circle in place for 24 hours if possible. Afterward, sweep it up and dispose of it outside, symbolically removing any negativity.

5. Protective Herb Sachet Spell

This spell uses protective herbs to create a sachet that shields you from the evil eye wherever you go.

What You’ll Need:

  • A small cloth pouch or bag
  • Protective herbs such as sage, rosemary, and lavender
  • A piece of black tourmaline (optional, for added protection)


  1. Prepare the Herbs:
    Combine the protective herbs and place them in the pouch. Hold the herbs in your hands and say:
    “By the power of these herbs, I am protected from the evil eye. No harm shall reach me, and I walk in safety.”
  2. Add the Tourmaline:
    Place the black tourmaline in the pouch, imagining it as a shield that absorbs and deflects harmful energy.
  3. Seal the Pouch:
    Tie or seal the pouch and carry it with you, placing it in your purse, pocket, or under your pillow for continuous protection.

Final Thoughts:

The evil eye can be a source of negativity, jealousy, or harm, but with these protection spells, you can shield yourself from its effects. Whether using charms, herbs, or energy work, these rituals will help you feel safe, empowered, and free from the influence of the evil eye. Always remember to perform these spells with clear intention and faith in the protective forces you call upon.

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